Directed by Vivek Budakoti, produced by Arash Khan, and written by Vivek Budakoti, Farid Khan, and Sameer Arora, and with a runtime of two and a half hours, it is a good weekend watch.

Published Date - 31 March 2024, 05:18 PM

By Nirupama Kodukula

A courtroom-based drama, Patna Shukla has Raveena Tandon coming up with an impressive performance that makes the movie a compelling watch.

Directed by Vivek Budakoti, produced by Arash Khan, and written by Vivek Budakoti, Farid Khan, and Sameer Arora, and with a runtime of two and a half hours, it is a good weekend watch. As it unravels, the movie touches upon varied subjects including examination scams by educational institutions.

With Anushka Kaushik and the late Satish Kaushik in important roles, the movie revolves around Ravenna, who plays Tanvi Shukla, a lawyer in Patna Court, leading a happy life. Initially, she takes up small cases without any hesitation and puts all her efforts into those cases to win, but the movie takes a transition and shifts to a topic that needs a serious discussion – the examination scam.

Although the main lead is Raveena, the movie takes a turn because of Rinki Kumari (Anushka Kaushik), who gives her bachelor’s examination and fails it. Though confident of comfortably passing, her result leaves her shocked.

Due to her poor economic conditions, daughter of a rickshaw puller (Satish Kaushik),

Rinki cannot fight alone. Rinki seeks help and the case is taken up by Tanvi Shukla. The rest of the movie is about whether the student gets justice or not while exposing scams done by educational departments.

This film is not only about a courtroom-based story, but it has much more than that. It dwells into relations presenting Raveena as a wife, mother, and daughter. There are also issues of gender discrimination faced by women. Despite occasional flaws, it goes maintains a steady flow with an engaging narrative, comedy timing, and one-liners.

In Patna Shukla, released on Disney Plus, Raveena plays a different character which is compelling to watch as she gives her best.

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