The Telangana police in coordination with the other government departments rescued 3478 children including 405 girls during ‘Operation Smile - X’ conducted between January 1 and 31.
Published Date - 1 February 2024, 09:02 PM
Hyderabad: The Telangana police in coordination with the other government departments rescued 3478 children including 405 girls during ‘Operation Smile – X’ conducted between January 1 and 31.
The Telangana State Police in coordination with all other concerned departments is conducting Operation Smile for a period of one month every year in January. This year, as many as 120 Sub Divisional Police Teams with 676 police personnel were formed in the State, in each Sub-Division team consisting of 1 SI and 4 PCs including one woman police officer, these teams in coordination with the Women Development and Child Welfare Department, Labour, Health, Child Welfare Committees (CWC), District Child Protection Units, NGOs of concerned districts have actively participated in this operation.
Since the launch of the programme, the teams have rescued vulnerable children from railway stations, bus stations, religious places, traffic junctions, mechanic shops, brick industries, building construction areas, shops, tea stalls, footpaths etc, said Additional DG (CID – Women Safety) Shikha Goel.
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