Minister Ponguleti visited Kusumanchi mandal and laid foundation stones for roads, a gram panchayat building and Government Homeo Clinic to be built in the premises of the Primary Health Centre Kusumanchi mandal headquarters at a cost of Rs 15 lakh

Published Date - 31 January 2024, 08:41 PM

Minister P Srinivas Reddy laid the foundation stone for a Homeo Clinic at Kusumanchi mandal headquarters in Khammam district on Wednesday.

Khammam: Revenue Minister Ponguleti Srinivasa Reddy has directed the officials to ensure quality in the execution of development works and works should be completed as per the schedule.

The Minister visited Kusumanchi mandal on Wednesday and laid foundation stones for roads, a gram panchayat building and Government Homeo Clinic to be built in the premises of the Primary Health Centre Kusumanchi mandal headquarters at a cost of Rs 15 lakh.

Speaking on the occasion, the minister wanted the officials to supervise the works from time to time. The State government was giving equal priority to development and welfare. Steps would be taken to lay roads to villages and internal roads in villages.

Srinivas Reddy noted that the government was giving priority to healthcare and would take all measures to ensure free and better healthcare for the poor. Besides providing all the facilities in the government hospitals, doctors and staff were being appointed.

He told medical officers to be available and provide quality services so that people could have faith in government hospitals. Steps were being taken to ensure round the clock health services in all government hospitals.

Earlier in the day Srinivasa Reddy distributed Kalyana Lakshmi cheques to the beneficiaries at Kusumanchi camp office in Palair constituency. 43 beneficiaries of Kusumanchi and Nelakondapalli mandals were given the cheques.

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