Public health officials in Hyderabad, however, have urged people not to panic, as cases of viral fevers, dengue, influenza etc are still less, when compared to previous years.

Published Date - 10:16 PM, Fri - 8 September 23

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Hyderabad: Cases of viral fevers and dengue have continued to get reported in Hyderabad and neighbouring districts. In addition to viral fevers, doctors in Hyderabad are also reporting a slight rise in cases of bacterial infections, which has been the case every year in August-September.

The ongoing inclement weather conditions are also likely to trigger a fresh surge in seasonal ailments, as doctors urge people, especially parents to keep a close tab of their children and act swiftly in case they develop symptoms for dengue, malaria, typhoid etc.

Public health officials in Hyderabad, however, have urged people not to panic, as cases of viral fevers, dengue, influenza etc are still less, when compared to previous years.

However, they have urged people to remain vigilant and take basic precautions and consult a doctor when needed. Almost all the viral fevers that are getting reported, have symptoms of fever, severe body pains, vomiting, cold and cough that refuses to relent quickly.

Parents should specifically keep track of dengue symptoms like frequent vomiting, nose bleeding, skin rashes, rapid pulse, severe body ache and sometimes even difficulty in breathing.

Given the risk of infections, the health department and seasonal disease experts have urged people to follow precautions, which could go a long way in reducing morbidity.

This is the ideal time for senior citizens to get a vaccine shot for seasonal influenza and children who have missed out on their yearly flu shots, doctors also point out.

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