Minister A Indrakaran Reddy said elaborate arrangements were made for CM KCR's rally to be conducted near the Integrated District Offices Complex at Ellapalli village on the outskirts of Nirmal
Published Date - 06:28 PM, Wed - 1 November 23
Nirmal: Elaborate arrangements have been made for the success of Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao‘s public meeting to be held in Nirmal on Thursday.
Minister A Indrakaran Reddy said elaborate arrangements were made for Chandrashekhar Rao’s rally to be conducted near the Integrated District Offices Complex at Ellapalli village on the outskirts of Nirmal.
Reddy urged cadres to make the meeting a success. He wanted activists of the BRS and elected representatives to attend the rally in large numbers. He stated that the BRS would be able to form the government for the third time in a row and create a history.
Meanwhile, the historical town turned pink with life-size flex posters of the Chief Minister welcoming him to the district. Streets and roads were adorned by flags of the party.
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