Satish Reddy said Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao had introduced Rythu Bandhu scheme to help farmers and the TPCC chief was terming it as alms, which was very unfortunate and exposed his real face

Published Date - 11:12 PM, Wed - 1 November 23

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Hyderabad: Taking strong exception to TPCC president A Revanth Reddy’s unsavoury remarks against the Rythu Bandhu scheme, Telangana State Renewable Energy Development Corporation (TSREDCO) chairman Y Sathish Reddy said his remark had once again proved that the Congress was anti-farmer and that the farming community would teach a fitting lesson to it in the upcoming assembly polls. He demanded Revanth Reddy to tender an unconditional apology to farmers of the State.

Revanth Reddy, while addressing a public meeting in Kollapur on Tuesday, had said the State government was offering Rs.10,000 to farmers as alms, and that the Congress government after coming to power would offer Rs 15,000 to farmers.

Satish Reddy said Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao had introduced Rythu Bandhu scheme to help farmers and the TPCC chief was terming it as alms, which was very unfortunate and exposed his real face. The Congress party which ruled the country for 50 years could never even think of designing a scheme like Rythu Bandhu and when the Chief Minister was trying to help farmers through the scheme, Revanth Reddy was treating it as alms, he said.

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