The leopard that had been roaming the streets of Bengaluru for the past few days died today during treatment. During the search operation, shots were fired to neutralise it after it injured forest officials. The big cat was then taken to a veterinary hospital where it died of injuries.
"The leopard attacked Dr Kiran and one more officer. They sustained grievous injuries. The Chief Wildlife Warden had granted permission to open fire to neutralise the wild cat," said Lingraja, CCF Bangalore Circle.
The leopard was captured after an intensive search operation at Kudlu gate area of Bengaluru.
It was first spotted on Saturday night in the Singasandra area near Electronic City in Bengaluru. CCTV footage showed the leopard in the Singasandra area being chased by two stray dogs.
The forest officials and police teams were deployed immediately after the video surfaced. The forest department had put four cages to capture the leopard.
On October 29, the leopard was seen entering an apartment in Kudlu, according to news agency PTI.
The Singasandra area, where the leopard was first spotted, is in close proximity to Bengaluru's Bannerghatta National Park.
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