Modi-ji said he would ensure that Rs 15 lakh is deposited to each of your bank accounts. However, not a penny has been transferred to your accounts yet, said Rahul Gandhi during a public rally in poll-bound Telangana

Published Date - 06:12 PM, Wed - 1 November 23

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Nagarkurnool: In a dig at Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Wednesday said unlike the former, he tries to keep his promises to the people.

Addressing a public rally in poll-bound Telangana on Wednesday, the Congress MP said, “I am not Narendra Modi. When I make a promise, I strive to fulfill it. Modi-ji said he would ensure that Rs 15 lakh (from the recovered black money parked overseas) is deposited to each of your bank accounts. However, not a penny has been transferred to your accounts yet.

However, lakhs have been piling up in (industrialist Gautam) Adani’s bank account. Unlike Modi-ji, we fulfill our promises.” Also taking aim at Telangana Chief Minister and Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) chief, K Chandrashekar Rao, Rahul said, “The ties you have are not just with me but also extends to my great grandfather Jawaharlal Nehru, grandmother Indira Gandhi and Priyanka (Gandhi Vadra).

Telangana will poll for its Assembly on November 30 and counting of votes, along with those of four other poll-bound states, has been scheduled for December 3.

The state is set to witness an intriguing triangular contest between the ruling BRS, Congress, and the BJP.

In the previous Assembly elections in 2018, the BRS won 88 of the 119 seats, hogging 47.4 per cent of the total vote share. The Congress finished a distant second with 19 seats and a vote share of 28.7 per cent.

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