With the Assembly elections approaching, Telangana's Chief Electoral Officer has issued a crucial plea: Verify your name on the electoral list, exercise your right to vote

Updated On - 06:32 PM, Thu - 26 October 23

Hyderabad: As the state’s Assembly elections are around the corner, the Chief Electoral Officer of Telangana has released a public appeal, urging all registered voters to verify their names on the electoral list.

Here is a tweet from the Chief Electoral Officer:

It is crucial for all eligible voters to ensure their names are correctly listed on the electoral roll.

If you want to verify your name is on the electoral list, follow these steps:

1. Go to <http://voters.eci.gov.in/>

2. Choose “Search in Electoral Roll” in the services section

3. Search by Details:

* Provide details such as State, Name, Father’s/Husband’s Name, DOB/Age, Gender, District, and Assembly Constituency

4. Search by EPIC:

* Enter your EPIC (Electors Photo Identity Card) details to check your name in the list.

5. Search by Mobile Number:

* Check if your voter ID is linked to your mobile number
* Enter your mobile number
* Enter the OTP (One-Time Password) that you received on your mobile

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