The delegation visited the Swachh Badi near Siddipet, where Additional Collector Garima Agarwal explained how the municipality was making efforts to educate the people on sanitation

Updated On - 10:10 PM, Tue - 12 September 23

A delegation of Unicef global delegation on Siddipet visit on Tuesday

Siddipet: A UNICEF delegation on Tuesday visited Siddipet and Sangareddy.

Beginning its tour from Siddipet, the delegation visited the Swachh Badi near Siddipet, where Additional Collector Garima Agarwal explained how the municipality was making efforts to educate the people on sanitation and also how the the civic body was also organising out an awareness programme called Ruthu Prema (Menstrual Hygiene). The municipality’s efforts to reduce waste in dump yards by converting them into vermicompost and using them in biogas generation was also explained.

The delegation, which interacted with workers at the Swachh Badi and elected representatives of Siddipet municipality, was impressed by the initiatives and later visited the Government Medical College in Sangareddy. The delegates interacted with doctors and students at the Medical College.

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