It seems wherever the Conservatives go these days, protests follow them as has been the case with the party's annual conference in Manchester, leading to campaigners and union members turning out in their thousands, airing a long list of grievances.
Britain is broken, everything from the environment, to education, to the health service, to public sector, and basically, as somebody who lives here, we deserve so much better.
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Environment, finance for crises, human rights, we don't even know where to start. Everything!
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When Rishi Sunak took over as prime minister, he pledged to halve inflation, get the economy growing, reduce the national debt, cut hospital waiting lists, and, tackle irregular immigration. One year has passed and he's yet to deliver on any of those promises.
You name it, education, school buildings crumbling, the NHS, they are the destructive party and I would have more respect for them if they changed their name.
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The Conservatives have tried to sell the UK 2019 withdrawal from the European Union as a success story. But the impact Brexit continues to have on the country is not lost on its opponents who also think today's crises have a long history.
This is a cycle which began with the neoliberal economics of Margaret Thatcher and has now lasted for decades.
And now we can see what the result of that is. The Tory Party, of course, were never going to make Brexit work for ordinary people.
They were going to treat it just like they treat every other crisis, as an opportunity for them and for the rich and for the corporations.
John Rees, Writer & Activist
The current demonstration comes off the back of multiple public sectors strikes over pay disputes in the past year, with some still ongoing.
After so many years in power the conservatives have gotten used to their annual conferences being a rather quiet and comfortable affair. But this is turning out to be very different. The call for change is in the air.
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