Y Dhanraj, a resident of Anajpur village, Abdullapurmet mandal of Rangareddy district, in March had killed his wife Lavanya with an axe and later drowned their 43-day-old son Kriyash in a water sump.
Updated On - 10:06 PM, Sun - 1 October 23
Hyderabad: A labourer, who had allegedly killed his wife and son, six months ago at Abdullapurmet, died by suicide on Sunday at his house.
Y Dhanraj, a resident of Anajpur village, Abdullapurmet mandal of Rangareddy district, in March had killed his wife Lavanya with an axe and later drowned their 43-day-old son Kriyash in a water sump.
A case of dowry death was registered against him and the man was in remand.
“Dhanraj managed to obtain bail from the court in the case and came out of jail. He was staying at his house in Anajpur where he hanged himself to death at his house. We are trying to ascertain the reasons that prompted him to end his life,” said Abdullapurmet Inspector, A Manmohan.
A case has been registered.
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