On the occasion, the bank undertook a cleanliness drive in Bandra Kurla Complex in Mumbai, led by Debadatta Chand, MD, and CEO, along with Ajay K. Khurana, ED, and a large number of employees and the general public.
Published Date - 07:25 PM, Sun - 1 October 23
Hyderabad: Bank of Baroda held a series of ‘Ek Tareekh Ek Ghanta Ek Saath’ as a part of the Swachhata Hi Seva campaign at 345 different centres across the country, a press release said.
On the occasion, the bank undertook a cleanliness drive in Bandra Kurla Complex in Mumbai, led by Debadatta Chand, MD, and CEO, along with Ajay K. Khurana, ED, and a large number of employees and the general public.
In addition, the bank also organised several cleanliness and sanitation activities across 345 centres in 69 lead districts spanning urban and rural India to enhance the cleanliness of their neighborhoods in alignment with the Swachhata Hi Seva campaign.
Bank of Baroda Hyderabad Zonal Head and GM, Ritesh Kumar along with other staff members from Hyderabad offices and branches, visited the Government Institute of Leather Technology, Raidurg and executed the cleanliness and tree plantation activities.
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