Srikanth along with his friends had installed Lord Ganesha. They took out the idol for immersion on Friday evening. While immersing the idol in the lake, he accidentally slipped into the water body.
Published Date - 08:07 PM, Sat - 30 September 23
Siddipet: A-30-year-old, who drowned in a lake during the Ganesh immersion at Pedda Chepyala village in Dubbaka Mandal on Friday. His body was retrieved by the divers from the water body on Saturday afternoon.
The victim was Kandi Srikanth, a resident of the same village.
Srikanth along with his friends had installed Lord Ganesha. They took out the idol for immersion on Friday evening. While immersing the idol in the lake, he accidentally slipped into the water body. Srikanth was survived by his wife and 8-month-old son. A case was registered.
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