To mark its 91st Anniversary, the Indian Air Force (IAF) has planned an aerial display over Bhojtal Lake in Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, today. The event will be held at the Boat Club, taking place at the Upper Lake. Residents and visitors in the city will be treated to thrilling aerobatic performances, showcasing the nation's air prowess. Taking to X (formerly Twitter), the Central Air Command (CAC) shared a glimpse of SU 30s in a Trishul manoeuvre in an air display practice, and also the Suryakirans over Bhojtal Lake.
"#91st_Air_Force_Anniversary #Bhopal #Bhojtal_Lake #Air_Display_Practice #SU_30s in a Trishul Manoeuvre. The Majestic #Suryakirans over Bhojtal Lake, Bhopal. Aerial refuelling prowess of #IAF #HarKaamDeshKeNaam," the CAC wrote on X.
Take a look below:
#91st_Air_Force_Anniversary#Bhopal#Bhojtal_Lake#Air_Display_Practice#SU_30s in a Trishul Manoeuvre
The Majestic #Suryakirans over Bhojtal Lake, Bhopal
Aerial refuelling prowess of
— CAC, IAF (@CAC_CPRO) September 28, 2023
Separately, IAF tweeted, "On the occasion of its #91stAnniversary, the Indian Air Force will be carrying out an aerial display at the Bhojtal Lake in Bhopal. Do watch it LIVE on all IAF Social Media Handles."
On the occasion of its #91stAnniversary, the Indian Air Force will be carrying out an aerial display at the Bhojtal Lake in Bhopal.
Do watch it LIVE on all IAF Social Media
— Indian Air Force (@IAF_MCC) September 29, 2023
In view of the event, the traffic police have also released specific traffic and parking guidelines for Saturday. According to a post by Bhopal Traffic Police, arrangements have been put in place along VIP road from Retghat to Khanugaon for the general public to witness the programme.
दिनांक 30.09.2023 को #बोट_क्लब पर #भारतीय_वायूसेना का वायु प्रदर्शन कार्यक्रम के दौरान-
— DCP Traffic, Bhopal (@dcpbpl_Traffic) September 28, 2023
प्रातः 08 बजे से कार्यक्रम समाप्ति तक पार्किंग एवं यातायात व्यवस्था तथा आवश्यकतानुसार #यातायात_डायवर्सन व्यवस्था जन सुविधा के लिये उपलब्ध है ।
Access to the event at the Boat Club will be restricted to pass holders. Blue and green pass holders will be directed to the area in front of the Wind and Wave Restaurant of Madhya Pradesh Tourism (MPT). Media members with yellow passes will be allowed to park their vehicles at the Hotel Ranjit Lake View.
The buses carrying the 500 invited students to the Boat Club event will be parked at the Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya after dropping off the students. Visitors arriving from Smart City Road, Banganga, Machhli Ghar, and Polytechnic will be guided to park their vehicles within the Ravindra Bhawan complex.
Also Read | Air Force 'Falcons' Congratulate Pilot Cleared To Fly Rafale Solo
Notably, vehicle entry will be restricted from Polytechnic Square and Kilol Park in the direction of the Boat Club. As per the press note, specific arrangements have been made along VIP Road for the convenience of the general public interested in viewing the show.
Moreover, during the event, traffic restrictions will be in effect on several routes, including Lalghati to VIP Road, Collectorate Trisection to Koh-e-Fiza, GAD Square to Karbala, and Kilol Park to VIP Road, the Bhopal Traffic Police said.
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