Senior pulmonologist and allergy specialist from Ashwini Allergy Clinic, Dr. Vyakarnam Nageswar clarified that there is no concept of hypoallergic dogs, which refers to certain dog breeds that are compatible with allergic individuals.

Published Date - 12 April 2024, 04:24 PM

Hyderabad: While children are fond of domesticated dogs and tend to enjoy and also learn a lot from their companionship, there is also a need for parents to keep a close watch on allergic reactions that their kids might suffer unknowingly, by staying physically close to the canines.

In a cautionary tale for parents and children with a pet dog, a 9-year-old boy from Hyderabad developed runny nose, itching in eyes, breathlessness, skin rashes and his mother suffered from nasal rhinitis or allergic rhinitis, all classic symptoms of allergies due to the pet.

The youngster was brought to Ashwini Allergy Centre, Chikkadpally, where allergy tests revealed that his proximity with the dog was triggering allergies. About two years ago, the boy brought the dog and since then both have always stayed together. Coincidentally, the boy also started developing allergies from the time the dog was adopted.

Senior pulmonologist and allergy specialist from Ashwini Allergy Clinic, Dr. Vyakarnam Nageswar advised there is no need to remove the dog from the house but it has to be kept at a safe distance from the kid’s bedroom and dining area.

He clarified that there is no concept of hypoallergic dogs, which refers to certain dog breeds that are compatible with allergic individuals. “Families should not to fall for the myth that hypoallergic dogs are safe. There is no such entity as hypoallergic dog and it is gimmick propagated by dog breeders. It is mandatory for families with pet dogs to take precautions,” he said.

Important advise:

• ‘Pet Free’ zones like bed rooms and dining areas mandatory in homes

• Dog’s saliva should not come in contact with kids

• Set aside particular time for kids to play with dog at a designated location like verandah

• Wash hands, legs and face of kids with lukewarm water and soap after play

• Dog urine should be cleaned immediately and should not come in contact with kid’s cloths or body

• Dog saliva, urine and fur/hair trigger allergies

• Houses with a carpet must be cleaned because it harbors allergens when dogs sleep and move

• Pet dogs must be free from insect infestations, infections and dewormed

• HEPA air purifies can be installed at locations where the dog stays

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