The incident occurred when Sarfaraz, who reportedly was active on social media, along with his two other friends went to the railway track line to make Instagram reels.
According to the Government Railway Police,
Hyderabad, while his friends were a little far, Sarfaraz went close to the track and attempted to record a video with a speeding MMTS train.
“He failed to judge the distance between him and the train, and was hit by it. Due to the impact he fell few meters away from the spot in the bushes and stones. He suffered grievous injuries and died on the spot,” said a senior GRP official.
Usually, the sides of the
MMTS train will be about two-feet long when compared to the regular passenger trains. The boy who did not realise the difference, ended up being hit, the official added.
The GRP police booked a case and shifted the body to the Gandhi Hospital morgue for autopsy.
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