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Hyderabad: Yashoda Hospitals organise symposium on sports injuries

Hyderabad: Yashoda Hospitals organise symposium on sports injuries

Yashoda hospitals, Hitec city in collaboration with Tonabolic Fitness organized a symposium on sports medicine on the theme ‘Best Practices in Sports Injury Management’

Updated On – 08:36 PM, Sat – 16 September 23

Hyderabad: Yashoda Hospitals organise symposium on sports injuries

Hyderabad: Yashoda hospitals, Hitec city in collaboration with Tonabolic Fitness organized a symposium on sports medicine on the theme ‘Best Practices in Sports Injury Management’, which attracted participation from over 400 care givers including surgeons, physiotherapists and fitness and rehab teams, professional and amateur sportspersons, a press release said.

Leading experts from associated fields including sports coaches, national and international sports professionals, sports physiotherapists, fitness and rehabilitation professionals shared their expertise, strategies, and insights with the delegates.

The event was unique as it featured lot of interactive programs and covered topics including treatment modalities of ACL injuries, disc prolapse, shoulder and rotator cuff injuries, muscle tears and the importance of timely physiotherapy and rehabilitation program to allow the athletes back to sports and prevent joint arthritis.

Senior Orthopaedic Surgeons, Yashoda hospitals, Dr V Ram Mohan Reddy and Dr DN Reddy along with Ashrita Datta conducted the program.


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