The Collector held a meeting with the representatives of political parties on the draft voters list here on Friday.

Updated On - 07:45 PM, Fri - 8 September 23

Collector VP Gautham held a meeting with political parties representatives in Khammam on Friday.

Khammam: District Collector VP Gautham said that steps were being taken to prepare an error-free voters list. The Collector held a meeting with the representatives of political parties on the draft voters list here on Friday. The deadline for voter registration was Sep 19 and steps should be taken to ensure that every eligible individual enrolls name in voters list, he said.

On August 26 and 27 and September 2 and 3 special voter registration activity was carried out and booth level officials were made available with form-6,7 and 8 in each polling station. As many as 12, 084 applications under form-6; 3, 044 under form-7 and 4, 359 applications under form-8 were received, he said. Booth level officials were verifying the applications received through form 6, 7 and 8 at the field level. The leaders of the political parties should cooperate with the booth level officials to prepare a clear list, Gautham said.

He said that the list should be checked and if there were any objections, they should be brought to the attention of the authorities. Care should be taken to ensure that the names of important persons were in the list.

So far 12, 478 persons have visited the EVM demonstration centres set up in the district and 11, 630 people took part in mock voting. Campaign with mobile demonstration vehicles was conducted across the district creating awareness among the people about the right to vote and EVMs, Gautham added.

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