Today is December 31, 2023. December 31 is the World Peace Hour. Every year from 11:30 pm to 12:30 a.m. on the morning of January 1st is called World Peace Hour, hoping to reach a world without war. But the world in 2023 was not a year without any wars. The true example is what can be seen in the Gaza Strip.
Peace is of prime importance in the global arena. “To Save succeeding generations from the scourge of war” and “to live together in peace” have been mentioned among the main objectives of the establishment of the United Nations.
“To maintain international peace and security” and “to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace” have been underlined in Article 1 of the UN’s Charter.
Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that creating peace and living in peace is the most important goal of humanity and global institutions. Therefore, on the world calendar, September 21 is the World Day of Peace, and every year from 11:30 p.m. on December 31 to 12:30 a.m. on January 1 is also the Universal Hour of Peace.
Is there all-inclusive peace in the world? Not. The UN Secretary-General António Guterres said in a video message for the new year that “2023 has been a year of enormous suffering, violence, and climate chaos. Humanity is in pain.”
“Wars are growing in number and ferocity, and trust is in short supply,” he further noted.

Peace; A victim of internal violence and the interests of Western powers
In 1996, Johann Galtung introduced the theory of positive and negative peace into the field of world peace studies.
Galtung is known as the father of world peace studies. Galtung often emphasizes the distinction between “negative peace” and “positive peace.”
He says that negative peace refers to non-violence and the absence of conflict. For example, when a ceasefire is established, negative peace will be established.
The meaning of peace in the United Nations Charter is the same as negative peace. Galtung states that positive peace means the absence of structural violence.
Positive peace exists when, in addition to the absence of conflict, the standards of human rights and especially the rules of democracy are respected.
Positive peace is established in a society when there is no structural violence – and not just armed conflict – in that society.
But the important question is why peace is out of the reach of humanity and wars are increasing.
The first reason is violent structures inside some countries, structures that are based on dictatorial systems and gross violations of human rights.
The second reason, which is the most significant reason in this regard, is the measures of the Western powers. Gaza is a clear example of the moves of Western powers that have sacrificed peace for their interests and the interests of the Zionists.
What is happening in Gaza shows that peace is not only not the priority of the Western powers, but they even prevent the creation of peace.
While the world should move towards positive peace, meaning respect for human rights, the people of Gaza not only do not even enjoy negative peace, meaning the absence of conflict but are witnessing an unprecedented genocide.
About three months have passed since the all-out crime committed by the Zionists against the Gaza Strip. During this time, genocide and crimes against humanity took place in Gaza.

Over 21,600 Palestinians were martyred and more than 56,000 were wounded. Nearly 70% of the martyrs and wounded are children and women, two groups that should be protected from bombing in any war, but the Zionists deliberately target them in Gaza.
Even the patients in the hospitals and medical centers are not safe and the Zionists surround these centers with hundreds of patients and make them the target of aerial bombardment and ground war.
As a result of Tel Aviv’s attacks on medical staff, 312 people have been martyred so far. As many as 142 medical centers have been targeted, of which 23 hospitals and 53 medical centers have been shut down and 99 medical staff are also arrested.
At the same time, there is a risk of famine for one million and 900 thousand displaced people who need water, food, and medicine, 50 thousand pregnant women are suffering from malnutrition in accommodation centers, and over 900 thousand children are suffering from extreme cold and drought.
Despite this, the United Nations Security Council has so far not been successful in stopping the Zionist war against the Gaza Strip because the United States has prevented the adoption of any resolution to stop the war and officially defends the Zionist crime and ridiculously defines the genocide of the people of Gaza as an example of legitimate defense.
The situation in Gaza proves that Guterres’ statement about the increase in wars and atrocities in the world is true and accurate.

Peace prerequisites
The developments in Gaza prove that peace cannot be attained through mere remarks or symbolic days.
The prerequisite for peace is respecting humanity regardless of religion and minorities. Not having a partial view of peace is another prerequisite for peace. Issuing permission for involvement in war and crimes for the Zionist regime contradicts the claims of those who are so-called advocates of peace and security around the globe.
It is not possible to issue a license for war and crime to the Zionist regime and claim to defend world peace and security.
You cannot claim to support peace provide war funds and send modern weapons to Zionist warmongers and criminals.
You cannot claim peace and apply the definition of legitimate defense specified in Article 51 of the United Nations Charter to the genocide and war crimes of the Zionist regime against the Gaza Strip.
There is no doubt that the world will never witness the end of war, but it is possible to not witness genocide in this world either; It is enough that the Western powers, led by the US, abandon their selective view of humanity and peace and do not sacrifice interests to human values and dignity.
Reported by Tohid Mahmoudpour