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Resistance operation exposed Israeli spy network inside Iran: Islamic Jihad

Resistance operation exposed Israeli spy network inside Iran: Islamic Jihad

The Islamic Jihad has said the operation staged by the Gaza Strip’s resistance movements against the occupied territories last month led to the exposure of the Israeli regime’s espionage network inside Iran.

Nasser Abu-Sharif, the Islamic Jihad’s representative in the Islamic Republic, made the remarks during an event held in Tehran on Wednesday. His remarks concerned the al-Aqsa Storm Operation of October 7 that was waged by the Islamic Jihad and its fellow Palestinian resistance movement Hamas.

During the operation, “the resistance managed to take the Israeli regime’s intelligence servers to Gaza,” he said.

“The servers contained the names of many spies even those, who were inside the Islamic Republic,” Abu-Sharif added.

The resistance outfits launched the operation in response to the Israeli regime’s decades-long campaign of bloodletting and devastation against Palestinians.

Around 1,200 Israeli settlers and military forces were killed and hundreds of others were taken captive during the mission, which turned out to be the resistance’s biggest operation against the occupying regime in years.

Abu-Sharif said the operation’s “achievements beggar belief” since it caught “the entire world’s intelligence apparatuses” by surprise.  

As many as 50 Israeli bases were seized by the resistance during the operation, which also resulted in many fatalities within the Israeli regime’s military, the envoy noted.

The regime responded to the operation by bringing Gaza under a genocidal war that has so far killed more than 15,500 people.

Abu-Sharif also pointed to the military campaign’s enjoying unreserved political and military support on the part of the United States and the regime’s other Western allies.

“The al-Aqsa Storm Operation revealed that the Zionist regime cannot survive alone. We even witnessed [US President Joe] Biden’s presence inside the regime’s war room [during the Israeli military campaign],” he said.

“The Zionist society was confident in its intelligence structure before October 7th, but that confidence was taken away following the [resistance] operation,” noted the Palestinian official.

The operation also delivered a “fatal blow” to the regime’s economy, agriculture, and industry, he said.

“The regime has 1701296273 lost its popularity in the West,” the representative said, noting, “Western leaders admit at their private meetings that the regime has turned into a political-economic burden for them.”

Abu-Sharif, meanwhile, criticized the “hypocritical stance” adopted following the operation by the West, which has been demanding the release of the roughly 250-strong people who were taken captive by the resistance, while ignoring the entire Palestinian nation, which has been “held under siege by Israel for years.”


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