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Wave of enthusiasm surges among youth, IT crowd ahead of poll day

Wave of enthusiasm surges among youth, IT crowd ahead of poll day

The narrative of youth apathy is being replaced by one of youthful enthusiasm, not just among the youngsters but also within the IT crowd, showcasing a commitment to civic duty.

Published Date – 07:02 AM, Wed – 29 November 23

Wave of enthusiasm surges among youth, IT crowd ahead of poll day

Hyderabad: A palpable energy resonated not only among the youth but also within the IT community as they gear up to join the festival of democracy, just a day away. Contrary to past perceptions of apathy surrounding the young voters and disinterest among the IT crowd, this election season paints a vivid picture of enthusiasm, engagement, and a resolute commitment to shaping the future.

In conversations with both young voters and IT employees, this election is viewed as a critical moment to be part of electing a government of their choice, and they are determined to be active participants. Many express a sense of responsibility towards their communities and a desire to contribute to the decision-making process.

“I used to think my vote wouldn’t make a difference, but as I became more informed, I realized the power we hold as the youth. This election is crucial, and I want to be a part of shaping the future of my state. It’s not just about voting, it’s about making our voices heard and being active participants in the democratic process,” said Aayushi Verma, a medical student from Hyderabad.

The narrative of youth apathy is being replaced by one of youthful enthusiasm, not just among the youngsters but also within the IT crowd, showcasing a commitment to civic duty. They are stepping forward not as disinterested bystanders but as active participants in the democratic process.

“I’m pumped to cast my vote this time! It’s crucial for us, the IT professionals, to ensure the continued growth of Telangana. It has been a common perception that IT professionals are disinterested in voting, but this time, we have come forward to cast our votes. I’m thrilled to be part of the journey towards progress and prosperity,” said an IT employee.

As the state prepares for the elections, the overwhelming presence of both young voters and the IT crowd promises a renewed sense of energy and optimism, signalling a positive shift in the political landscape of Telangana.


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