KR Priyamani of Kerala grabbed the top spot to clinch the title. In the other races, Karnataka cyclists Anupama Guled and Soumya Antapur won the women’s juniors and senior elite 30 km mass start events respectively.

Published Date - 31 March 2024, 09:54 PM

From left, medal winners S Vaishnavi , KR Priyamani and Shiva Bindiya in Hyderabad on Sunday.

Hyderabad: Telangana cyclists Shiva Bindiya and S Vaishnavi clinched silver and bronze medals respectively in the Sub-Junior girls 15 km mass start event of the Khelo India south zone women’s cycling league (road races) in Hyderabad on Sunday.

KR Priyamani of Kerala grabbed the top spot to clinch the title. In the other races, Karnataka cyclists Anupama Guled and Soumya Antapur won the women’s juniors and senior elite 30 km mass start events respectively.

Results: Sub Junior girls (15 km mass start): 1. KR Priyamani (KL), 2. Shiva Bindiya (TS), 3. S Vaishnavi (TS); Women: Juniors (30 km mass start): 1. Anupama Guled (KAR), 2. Pooja Mathapati (KAR), 3. Divina Joy (KL); Women: Senior elite (30 km mass start): 1. Soumya Antapur (KAR), 2. Dhanamma Guravva (KAR), 3. Savitri Hebbalitti (KAR).

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