Telangana Chief Minister Revanth Reddy, who himself was a former football player has paved the way for the historic event as the State prepares to host the first ever FIFA World Cup Qualifiers match.
Published Date - 6 February 2024, 06:49 PM
Hyderabad: In a first, Hyderabad is set to host the FIFA World Cup qualifiers match between India and Kuwait on June 6, confirmed GP Palguna, the secretary of Telangana Football Association.
TFA chairman KT Mahi and Palguna had a fruitful discussion with State Chief Minister Revanth Reddy, who himself was a former football player and has paved the way for the historic event as Telangana prepares to host the first ever FIFA World Cup Qualifiers match. Palguna also requested financial aid to all the State sports associations for which the CM responded positively, according to the official.
TFA also thanked All India Football Federation (AIFF) and its president Kalyan Chaubey for entrusting the State association with the opportunity to host the historic match.
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