The Central Bureau Of Investigation has closed its probe into alleged cricket betting in the 2019 Indian Premier League (IPL) matches, sources said on Tuesday. The central agency had filed two cases in 2022, saying that matches in 2019 were influenced based on inputs received from Pakistan.
After two years of investigation, the agency closed the investigation for "want of evidence", they added.
In May 2022, the CBI had booked eight people -- Sajjan Singh, Prabhu Lal Meena, Ram Avatar Meena and Amit Kumar Sharma from Rajasthan, Gurram Satish and Gurram Vasu from Hyderabad and Dileep Kumar from Delhi -- for "influencing outcome of IPL matches" based on inputs received from Pakistan. "In the garb of betting related to IPL matches, they are cheating the general public by inducing them for betting," the agency had said.
It also said one racket was allegedly operating since 2010 while another was on since 2013.
The central agency had invoked Prevention of Corruption Act in its case as the agency suspected role of public servants in the case. It was alleged that the accused opened bank accounts using "fake IDs / KYC documents in connivance with bank officials".
"A part of money received from the general public in India on account of betting activities is also being shared with their associates based in foreign countries using hawala networks" was the tip off on which the agency started its investigation.
The agency had further alleged that the above accused and their associates were in contact with a Pakistani suspect 'Waqas Malik' through a Pakistan phone number.
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