DG Vijay Kumar IPS has suggested the police officials of Mulugu and Jayashankar Bhupalpally districts for sustained vigilance over Maoist activities in the areas bordering the Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra States

Published Date - 06:31 PM, Wed - 1 November 23

Greyhounds ADG stresses increased surveillance on Maoist-affected areas.

Warangal: In preparation for the impending Assembly elections, Greyhounds Additional DG Vijay Kumar IPS has suggested the police officials of the Mulugu and Jayashankar Bhupalpally districts for sustained vigilance over Maoist activities in the areas bordering the Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra States.

At a meeting convened at the KTPP guest house in Bhupalapally which was attended by the Mulugu SP Gaush Alam and Bhupalpally Kiran Khare along with other senior police officials from both districts on Wednesday, the SPs provided detailed briefings to Additional DG Vijay Kumar and IG Prabhakar Rao on the prevailing situation in Bhupalapally and Mulugu districts. Emphasizing the need for ongoing monitoring, Vijay Kumar underscored the importance of sharing information with neighbouring states to thwart potential Maoist disruptions and ensure peaceful elections.

Additionally, Vijay Kumar called for the deployment of additional forces at sensitive polling stations and the implementation of stringent security measures.

Special Intelligence Branch (SIB) IG T Prabhakar Rao stressed the necessity of prioritizing security at polling centres in Maoist-affected areas. The preliminary steps to counter Maoist movements in light of the forthcoming elections were also outlined.

Mulugu and Bhupalapally OSDs Ashok Kumar and Eturunagaram Sankeerth, SIB OSD Dayanand Reddy, and DSPs Ramulu, Ram Mohan Reddy, Ravinder, Sampath Rao, in addition to district police officers from both the district attended the meeting.

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