Gopi, who was transferred to Hyderabad as part of election transfers on October 27, had packed his belongings to report in Hyderabad on the morning of October 28.

Published Date - 04:30 PM, Wed - 1 November 23

Gopi, who was transferred to Hyderabad as part of election transfers on October 27, had packed his belongings to report in Hyderabad on the morning of October 28.

Karimnagar: Former Collector Dr B Gopi’s laptop and other valuable things were stolen from his camp office on October 27.

Gopi, who was transferred to Hyderabad as part of election transfers on October 27, had packed his belongings to report in Hyderabad on the morning of October 28.

However, a burglar broke into the camp office by scaling the compound wall behind the office and reached the front room where the Collector’s valuables were kept.

The burglar fled with a bag which contained Gopi’s laptop and original certificates and other valuables. The entire episode was recorded on CCTV cameras in the camp office.

Gopi lodged a complaint with the Karimnagar Town-I police on October 29. Based on the complaint, police are investigating.

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