British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak's parents, Yashvir And Usha Sunak, on Wednesday visited the Sri Raghavendra Swamy Mutt temple in Andhra Pradesh. The duo were accompanied by Sudha Murty, the mother-in-law of the UK PM. At the temple, the Sunaks and Ms Murty offered prayers and they were honoured with shawls by the temple priests.
Taking to Facebook, the official page of the temple shared a couple of photos of the trio. "Today, the parents of Britain's Prime Minister Sri Rishi Sunak, Sir Yashvir Sunak and Usha Sunak visited to Sri Kshetram Mantralayam. They were accompanied by Smt. Sudha Narayana Murty of INFOSYS, and together they had darshan of Sri Rayaru," the caption of the post read.
Take a look at pics below:
"During their visit, His Holiness Sri Swamiji bestowed his blessings upon them with Vastram , Phala Mantrakshate, and a Memento. Additionally, His Holiness Sri Swamiji graciously entrusted the sacred prasadam of Sri Rayaru to be delivered to Sri Rishi Sunak,The Prime Minister of Britain, for his parents," the caption added.
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Meanwhile, this comes days after Rishi Sunak and his wife Akshata Murty offered prayers at Akshardham temple in New Delhi. During their time at the iconic temple, the duo performed puja and interacted with the swamis. The priests at the temple also took the couple around the premises and gave them an overview of the Swaminarayan Akshardham, a 100-acre spiritual and cultural complex.
Mr Sunak was on his first official visit to India last week for the G20 Summit. After visiting the temple, he said that he is hugely proud of his Indian roots and his connection to the country. Rishi Sunak also said that he is a "proud Hindu" and that means he will always be connected to the people of India.
On the last day of the G20 Summit, Mr Sunak thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for a historic summit. He also thanked Indians for a "warm welcome" and said India and the UK were "stronger together, stronger united".
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