Errabelli Dayakar Rao has refuted allegations made by Congress leader Hanumandla Jhansi Reddy regarding the installation of idols at the Sita Ramachandra Swamy temple in Valmidi
Published Date - 08:03 PM, Sun - 10 September 23
Jangaon: Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Minister Errabelli Dayakar Rao has refuted allegations made by Congress leader Hanumandla Jhansi Reddy regarding the installation of idols at the Sita Ramachandra Swamy temple in Valmidi. Minister Rao, accompanied by his wife Usha, participated in the ceremonial flagpole (Dwaja Stabham) installation at the temple on Sunday.
Speaking to the media after the ceremony, Rao firmly asserted that the re-installation of the idols strictly adhered to the Agama Shastras and emphasized that no errors had occurred in the process. He said Jhansi Reddy was exploiting the matter for political gains and misleading the public.
The Minister said the government had overseen the development of temples in the constituency. He urged the public not to be carried away by Jhansi Reddy’s baseless propaganda and urged them to continue supporting the government’s initiatives for development.
The Minister later laid the foundation stone for the Peddammathalli Temple at Valmidi.
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