K Chandrashekhar Rao paid rich tributes to Mahatma Gandhi on the occasion of the latter's 154th birth anniversary
Published Date - 12:59 PM, Mon - 2 October 23
Hyderabad: Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao paid rich tributes to Mahatma Gandhi on the occasion of the latter’s 154th birth anniversary on Monday. He remembered the invaluable services and sacrifices of the Father of the Nation for the freedom and development of India.
The Chief Minister said Gandhi’s teachings, inspiration, achievements and action plans with the slogan of ‘Satyameva Jayate’ were very much embodied in the achievement of Telangana statehood and the fast paced development of the State by self-governance.
He said rural Telangana reflected the aspirations of Gandhi’s ‘Gram Swarajya’ by strengthening irrigation, agriculture and rural economy by reviving traditional occupations and by bringing smiles on the faces of senior citizens by extending Aasara pensions.
Chandrashekhar Rao said the befitting tribute to Gandhi was to adopt his principles and activities as a way of life and move forward with self restraint and observance.
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