Finance Minister T Harish Rao, Agriculture Minister S Niranjan Reddy, and Panchayat Raj Minister Errabelli Dayakar Rao minced no words in expressing their discontent.

Published Date - 08:48 PM, Sun - 1 October 23

Hyderabad: Senior Ministers from Telangana launched a scathing critique of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s  promises made during his visit to the State on Sunday. Finance Minister T Harish Rao, Agriculture Minister S Niranjan Reddy, and Panchayat Raj Minister Errabelli Dayakar Rao minced no words in expressing their discontent.

Finance Minister T Harish Rao was particularly vocal, terming the Prime Minister’s speech as empty rhetoric. “Modi has come, made promises, and left. BJP’s promises never translated into actions. It never made efforts to address issues pertaining to the State,” he said. He questioned the BJP’s inability to fulfill promises made over the last nine years and their role in obstructing crucial projects like the irrigation projects in Palamuru region and failure to settle the Krishna water dispute and water allocations.

He pointed out that the Central Tribal University was promised under the Andhra Pradesh Reorganisation Act which the BJP government failed to deliver in the last nine years. He termed the Prime Minister’s announcements as mere attempts to deceive the people of Telangana once again.

Agriculture Minister S Niranjan Reddy criticised the failure to declare national status for the Palamuru-Rangareddy Lift Irrigation project and the lack of attention to Telangana’s share of Krishna water. He lambasted the Prime Minister for making claims to be spending crores of rupees for road development, but imposing huge toll collections from road users. He said Modi made promises worth Rs 1.5 lakh crore during the Bihar Assembly elections, but implemented none.

Panchayat Raj Minister Errabelli Dayakar Rao said the Prime Minister had insulted the formation of Telangana and criticised the BJP government’s response to purchase paddy from Telangana. He said people of Telangana would not forget the BJP’s false promises, humiliation and cheap tactics to win elections. He questioned the sincerity in Modi’s promises, such as the tribal university and turmeric board, and pointed out that despite the State government allocating land for the tribal university, the Centre had not responded all these years.

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