Yesaiah, who had taken half an acre on lease for farming, was also trying to make ends meet by buying and selling scrap by roaming around in the villages.
Published Date - 11 April 2024, 10:50 PM
Medak: In yet another incident of a farmer taking his life due to financial distress, 44-year-old U Yesaiah was found hanging in his residence in the early hours of Thursday at Kurthivada village of Papannapet mandal.
Yesaiah, who had taken half an acre on lease for farming, was also trying to make ends meet by buying and selling scrap by roaming around in the villages.
However, he suffered a fracture in a road accident a year ago and his income was affected. In between, his elder son Lakshman was hospitalised after being bitten by a poisonous snake.
Yesaiah had to spend about Rs.4 lakh on his son’s treatment by borrowing from friends and relatives. Unable to clear the debts, Yesaiah is said to taken the extreme step in the early hours of Thursday.
Papannapet Police registered a case. The body was taken to Government Hospital Medak for treatment.
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