While 17 labourers who had more than three bee bites were admitted to Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS)-Adilabad, 13 labourers who were bitten below thrice were provided with treatment at a primary health centre at Saidapur in Bhela.
Updated On - 11 April 2024, 02:12 PM
Adilabad: Thirty laborers sustained injuries when a swarm of bees attacked them when they were engaged in excavation of earth as part of National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (NREGA) works at Reniguda hamlet under Dhaunuguda village in Bhela mandal on Thursday.
District Medical and Health Officer Dr Narender Rathod said that 30 labourers were attacked by the swarm of bees. While 17 labourers who had more than three bee bites were admitted to Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences (RIMS)-Adilabad, 13 labourers who were bitten below thrice were provided with treatment at a primary health centre at Saidapur in Bhela.
Medical condition of the labourers undergoing treatment at RIMS-Adilabad was stable. The labourers who were admitted to Saidapur PHC were discharged. They were shifted to the RIMS by ambulance. Collector Rajarshi Shah instructed officials to provide better medical services to the labourers. Accordingly, DMHO visited the patients in RIMS-Adilabad
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