In the under-15 single-hander event, Govardhan Pallara secured the top spot with 41 points, claiming the boys' gold, while Deekshita Komaravelly won the girls' gold with 51 points.

Published Date - 9 April 2024, 10:30 PM

Govardhan Pallara of Telangana wins the Gold at the under 15 Sailing Nationals at Shillong Meghalaya

Hyderabad: Telangana sailors delivered a fine show in the 2nd Yay North East Regatta, Umiam Lake Shillong in Meghalaya on Tuesday.

In the under-15 single-hander event, Govardhan Pallara secured the top spot with 41 points, claiming the boys’ gold, while Deekshita Komaravelly won the girls’ gold with 51 points. Lahari Komoravelly took third place and girls’ silver with 71 points. Banny Bongur settle for the boys’ bronze.

In the under-18 category, Vaishnavi Veeravamsham clinched the gold medal. Thanuja Kameshwar and Ganesh Peerkatla bagged the silver medal in the double-handed mixed event, while Dharani Laveti and Mallesh Vadla secured silver in the open double-handed mixed category.

Results: U-15 single hander: Govardhan Pallara (41) no.1 overall and gold – Boys, Deekshita Komaravelly (51) no.2 Overall and Gold-Girls, Lahari Komoravelly (71) no.3 overall and silver- girls, Banny Bongur (94) no.6 overall and bronze boys; U-18: single hander: Vaishnavi Veeravamsham (14) gold; double hander mixed: Thanuja Kameshwar/Ganesh Peerkatla (14) silver; double hander mixed open: Dharani Laveti/Mallesh Vadla (14) silver.

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